HTMLAttributes type
Represents the HTML attributes that can be used in an HTML element.
export type HTMLAttributes = {
accept: string;
'accept-charset': string;
accesskey: string;
action: string;
align: string;
alt: string;
async: boolean;
autocomplete: string;
autofocus: boolean;
autoplay: boolean;
bgcolor: string;
border: string;
charset: string;
checked: boolean;
cite: string;
class: string;
color: string;
cols: number;
colspan: number;
content: string;
contenteditable: boolean;
controls: string;
coords: string;
data: string;
datetime: string;
default: string;
defer: string;
dir: string;
dirname: string;
disabled: boolean;
download: string;
draggable: string;
dropzone: string;
enctype: string;
for: string;
form: string;
formaction: string;
headers: string;
height: string;
hidden: string;
high: string;
href: string;
hreflang: string;
'http-equiv': string;
icon: string;
id: string;
ismap: string;
itemprop: string;
keytype: string;
kind: string;
label: string;
lang: string;
language: string;
list: string;
loop: string;
low: string;
manifest: string;
max: number;
maxlength: number;
media: string;
method: string;
min: number;
minlength: number;
multiple: boolean;
name: string;
novalidate: string;
open: string;
optimum: string;
pattern: string;
ping: string;
placeholder: string;
poster: string;
preload: string;
radiogroup: string;
readonly: boolean;
rel: string;
required: string;
reversed: string;
role: string;
rows: number;
rowspan: number;
sandbox: string;
scope: string;
scoped: string;
seamless: string;
selected: boolean;
shape: string;
size: number;
sizes: string;
span: string;
spellcheck: string;
src: string;
srcdoc: string;
srclang: string;
srcset: string;
start: string;
step: number;
style: string;
tabindex: number;
target: string;
title: string;
translate: string;
type: string;
usemap: string;
value: string;
valueAsNumber: number;
valueAsDate: Date;
width: string;
wrap: string;
textContent: string;
innerText: string;
innerHTML: string;
outerHTML: string;